Space2BHeard :ogo
About our Service
“Our range of services include Hull Talking Therapies, Valued Minds, Workplace Wellbeing as well as numerous support services delivered through rich and diverse local partnerships.

Our Commitment to the people of Hull and surrounding areas.

Aim - A trusted people-led therapeutic wellbeing service shaped by our staff, volunteers and clients.
Helping people to be well by offering a positive environment that enables choice, improves experience and addresses mental health needs locally.

Space2BHeard Values vision and mission

Need - Life experiences can impact on mental health and wellbeing in different ways. To help people to be well, preventative support needs to be people-led, responsive to our community needs and boldly promote holistic wellbeing.


We strive to do the right thing
... always!

We uphold our ethical and professional standards at all times.

We are inclusive and embrace difference and diversity.

We are passionate believers in I’m OK, you’re OK as a central part of our ethos.

We communicate fearlessly!

We cultivate open and honest relationships built on trust, transparency, dignity and respect.

We drive change.

We are passionate about our community and seek to drive positive change for all.

We deliver our very best!

We are accountable, autonomous and strive towards the highest of standards.

Human's are central in
all we do!

We are human and so are you! We will embody all that this means!

Our Committment to....

Space2BHeard is a not-for-profit organisation that aims to provide high quality counselling, psychotherapy & wellbeing services to the people of Hull and the surrounding areas.

Our range of services includes Re-Mind Long Term Conditions & Long Covid Service, Valued Minds Low Cost Psychotherapy Service, workplace wellbeing, Let’s Talk Anxiety & Depression Service, Hull City Council Independent Staff Counselling Service. We also offer a range of private psychotherapists and counsellors.

We are continually seeking out fresh ideas based on our communities needs that inform how we develop new services.

We work in partnership with The Ellesmere Centre for Psychotherapy Training and share a common ethos and values aimed at enriching the lives of others through quality therapeutic provision.

We believe that individuals have the autonomy to make their own life choices and sometimes just need additional help in doing this; Our philosophy includes enabling, supporting, encouraging and facilitating people to reach their autonomous place.

Our range of services include Hull Talking Therapies, Valued Minds, Workplace Wellbeing as well as numerous support services delivered through rich and diverse local partnerships.

We continually seek fresh ideas based on our communities needs and through forming partnerships with likeminded, local organisations that strengthen and share our aims.

Quality support is central to what we do best and we believe each person should receive individualised treatment in response to their experience.

We continue to normalise Mental Health, creating an ethos of safety, acceptance and hope.

S2BH is also a Community Interest Company which means any profit we make is reinvested back in to our services and resources for our clients. Check out our Social Value Page to find out more about how we do this.


267 Beverley Rd
Hull, East Yorkshire

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